Saturday, February 2, 2013

Garbage Detail

Gomi-Toban/Trash Detail: 
In Japan, members of neighborhoods take turns putting out the trash bins and net.

In most neighborhoods, garbage is separated into recycling bins like in many countries. Plastics, glass, metal, and appliances. Trash bags are covered with a net to keep the crows from tearing into the bags and strewing garbage all over the street.

Residents take turns getting up very early every morning and putting out the net and bins on their respective days, then bringing them back in later. Oh, and cleaning up the street when the crows strew filth all over the place because some thoughtless jackass didn't cover the bags with the net properly.

Duty in my neighborhood rotates monthly. My detail is on in August and January, the hottest and coldest months. Also the months when everyone else enjoys going away on vacation. Clearly, I need better representation in the neighborhood council. But because of the New Year public holidays, January is about a week short, so that's something in my favor. We weren't going anywhere, anyway.

We always celebrate the beginning of September and February because we can finally sleep late and stop worrying about trash detail for a few more months.

Sometimes I miss American and it's easier garbage pick-up (two months a year), but I have to respect this system. It keeps a community spirit in the neighborhoods and reduces the burden on the local department of sanitation. But if I ever find out who's not covering the bags, I'm going to to my part to reduce the burden on the local department of kicking-the-snot-out-of-inconsiderate-jerks.

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